Turkey's growing gaming company Manc takes its place in the blockchain world with Mancium. Manc, which has managed to become one of Turkey's favorite game developers with the games it has released, gives you the chance to be a stakeholder in the ecosystem of all the games it has released so far and will open in the future. You will be able to add Mancium to your wallet on world-recognized blockchain exchanges and become an investor of Manc.
The MANC Academy project is an educational platform that provides anyone with an opportunity to improve their skills in coding games or learn these skills from scratch.
It presents an atmosphere for users, developers, and gaming editors to learn, create, play, and interact. In this way, we aim to teach the next generation of eager developers how to do more than just play, but also design and code. As well, we get our students prepared for future META technologies by providing specified training for different positions in the market including junior backend developers, senior backend developers, UI/UX designers, game designers/developers, and product managers.
By building an international ecosystem, we offer the new generation of tehcnology professionals an opporunity to invent their own projects in a supportive environment that can provide help to those who need it as well as offer opportunities for potential employment.
Students who have completed their education;
• Internal support as they develop and design their projects.
• Internal and External support throughout the publication process for bringing finished. products to market.
• Welcomed as a team member to join us in game programming.
• Eligibility to be MANC Academy representative in their home countries.
• Eligibility to be MANC Academy representative at their university.
• Potential employment by MANC Academy to take part in the future business planning and workflow of the company.
To support MANC Academy beyond becoming a student, you need only to purchase cryptocurrency, Mancium.

JanuaryGroup is founded to work on several business models involving existing forms of technologies, on e-trade, CMS, digital media, stream and gaming.
MayFirst web-based game released.
OctoberDevelop crypto e-trade platform with international fintech company Credit Info, Enigma.
MarchStarted r-de studies on a model that will bring adtech and blockchain together.
FebruaryManc have been founded developing mobile game apps and achieve success to merge blockchain technology with gaming industry
MayTeam members and advisors determined to develop strategic business plan.
JanuaryFirst mobile application has been published
AugustWorld’s first voice (audio) chat enabled virtual board game has been released
AugustEducation concept, web-based game app is published (Bil Kazan Oyna – Soru Bil Kazan)
NovemberSecond voice (audio) chat enabled virtual board game has been released
JanuaryMancium is introduced
FebruaryMancium ICO Phase starts
Third mobile game app is published
MarchMancium ICO Phase ends
AprilMancium is listed on CEXs
JuneGlobal version of Rummikub Social is release
JulyONumbers NFT collection which is linked to current board games will be dropped
AugustMobile app version of Bil Kazan Oyna will be published
SeptemberMancium (Manc) Market will begin to service
OctoberMancpac will be released
DecemberPublish two brand new games
JanuaryLaunch Manc Academy
Second NFT collection will be published
MarchTwo Brand New Games will be published
AprilManc Academy starts to sessions
JuneTwo brand new games will be published
JulyMeta versions of Okey Muhabbet and 101 Muhabbet begin Beta Tests
AugustThird NFT Collection will be released
SeptemberManc Academy creates its game hub
NovemberManc Academy release its first game
Commitment to Security & Compliance
Audit Summary
InterFi team has performed a line-by-line manual analysis and automated review of smart contracts. Smart contracts were analyzed mainly for common contract vulnerabilities, exploits, and manipulation hacks.
According to the audit:
- Mancium’s solidity source code has LOW RISK SEVERITY
- Mancium’s smart contract has an ACTIVE OWNERSHIP
- Mancium’s centralization risk correlated to the active owner is LOW
Be aware that smart contracts deployed on the blockchain aren’t resistant to internal exploit, external vulnerability, or hack. For a detailed understanding of risk severity, source code vulnerability, exploitability, and audit disclaimer, kindly refer to the audit.
Contract address: 0xe58a9243e5708ec0ee01deedc47fd76d1b608797
Blockchain: Ethereum Chain
Verify the authenticity of this report on InterF’s GitHub: https://github.com/interfinetwork
Certificate : https://github.com/interfinetwork/audit-compliance-certificates/blob/main/Mancium_AuditCertificate_InterFi.png
Audit Report : https://github.com/interfinetwork/smart-contract-audits/blob/audit-updates/Mancium_0xE0c05ec44775e4AD62CDC2eEcdF337aA7A143363.pdf

What is Mancium?
MANC, the fastest growing initiative in Turkey and MENA region, has entered very successfully and effectively into the blockchain ecosystem. As one of the most prestigious gaming developers in Turkey, MANC offers you a great chance to be a stakeholder in the gaming ecosystem of today and the future. To become a MANC investor, all you need to do is purhcase Mancium on the blockchain network.
What is the smart contract address?
View on etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0xe0c05ec44775e4ad62cdc2eecdf337aa7a143363
What is your marketing & communication strategy?
Our marketing and communication strategy is based on the following facts and principles:
• A global PR, Influencer, and advertising campaign with a budget of up to $500,000/month if we reach our hard cap.
• Airdrops & bounties.
• Working with global consultants as soon as we reach our goal.
When will I receive my Mancium Tokens?
You will receive your Mancium tokens (those which are not locked or vested) on the listing day on centralized exchange markets.